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Florence JARRIER Paris, March 14th 2025 Monsieur Emmanuel MACRON Président de la Republique Palais de l’Elysée 55 r du Faubourg
St Honoré PARIS 75008 Dear Mr Macron, It is imperative now to make savings to good use. As a civil servant in a French administration department, part of the Ministry of Defence, I refused to help my superior in appropriating part of the budget for his own personal purposes and I also managed a procurement department taking good care of French public money. My superiors found that my honesty and efficiency were a problem. To get rid of me, the Ministry declared that I was mentally ill and dismissed me. Nevertheless, all the psychiatrists thought I was fine. All the personnel representatives refused to get involved in my dismissal. The Human Resources department dismissed me without any unemployment allowance nor pension. They did not take in account my honesty nor my efficiency, nor that I was eager to work. The staff manager took a medical decision though he was not a doctor and he built a faked folder. The decree declaring my dismissal is based on an agreement of a panel of employees which does not exist. It takes into account discriminative letters. My work assessments and the expertise of the psychiatrist commissioned by the Ministry of Defence testify of my important devotion for work. He also noted that I was in no case aggressive nor vindictive and that my intellect was of an excellent level. Up to now, I have not been able to assert my rights on account of the persistent involvement of a Minister and a breech of the respect of the adversarial principle in accordance. I went to the large national debate on March 13th 2019 without getting a solution. My internet website gives more information. Contrary to international laws, courts didn't revoke the compulsory psychiatric sick leave neither the dismissal despite the numerous documents not issued by the Ministry. I’m asking you to get a fair retirement and compensations..
Florence JARRIER |